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Choose from many places to stay while visiting Clearwater - hotels, resorts, campgrounds and vacation rentals.

Clearwater Hotels and Places to Stay

Clearwater Beach Hotels

Most sites list the top 10 or 12 hotels. We show you almost 30 Clearwater Beach Hotels!  Find your best choice for desired amenities, location to the beach and pricing. Our beach hotels page sorts hotels by location nearest to the beach.

There are over a hundred hotels in the Clearwater area! Use form below to search for best options that meet your needs.

Clearwater Hotels


The area has several well-known resorts offering more than just a place to stay while enjoying what the area has to offer.


Even in this generally metropolitan area, one can find camping opportunities at commercial and state park campgrounds, and RV parks.

Airbnb Vaction Rentals in Clearwater area

Throughout the region are numerous vacation rentals for short or longer stays.

A popular tourist destination with a wide variety of hotels, resorts campgrounds and vacation rentals.

Consider where you wish to stay - the mainland or on/near the beach before selecting from the many choices, amenities and price ranges. Regardless, with the considerable number of choices available, one can find good value and competitive rates.

Accommodation availabilty and rates are affected by peak tourism period from late fall through early spring. Special events can also reduce availability and increase prices, so plan ahead and make reservations early. For longer stays, consider seasonal RV parks and vacation rentals.

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